Liefkenshoek Railway Connection
The Liefkenshoek Railway Connection project involves the construction and maintenance of the civil infrastructure for a new 16.2 km freight-only railway linking the western docks and eastern docks of Antwerp.
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The innovation
SPV General Manager Geert van Eynde outlined the background to the Liefkenshoek Railway project.
„With transport links to the Antwerp reaching saturation point, the aim of the project was to assist the port’s growth.
„The opening of the Liefkenshoek link enabled freight trains to get direct access and also removed an existing bottleneck at the Kennedy Tunnel.
„That also helped to free up passenger rail services operating between Brussels and Amsterdam.“
Finde mehr heraus € 690
Capital value
The solution
The contract includes:
- construction of Liefkenshoek Tunnel, a 6.5km long double bored tunnel with an internal diameter of 7.30m;
- refurbishment of Beveren Tunnel, a 1.2km long existing tunnel (refurbishment and installations);
- two culverts;
- an aqueduct;
- four road crossings; and
- approx. 7 km on-grade substructure (4.2 km high level, 1.3 km ground level, and 1.5 km open U-shaped concrete stretch, close to existing buildings).