High Speed Line Zuid
The HSL-Zuid project is the largest public-private partnership contract ever awarded by the Dutch government and one of the largest high-speed railway projects in Europe to date.
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The background
SPV General Manager Maarten van der Bent outlines the background to the HSL-Zuid project.
„The Infraspeed consortium was formed in 1999 to compete for and execute large, complex infrastructure projects, the aim being to benefit from the superior combination of skills and expertise in managing rail projects.
„The consortium consisted of Invesis, Fluor Infrastructure, Siemens Nederland, Innisfree PFI Continuation Fund, and HSBC Infrastructure, and was responsible for the provision and maintenance of the superstructure of the new high-speed rail link between Amsterdam and the Belgian border.“
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Capital Value
The solution
Siemens Nederland successfully delivered the power supply system, the ERTMS signalling system, the GSM-R communication systems, and the ancillary equipment, whilst BAM Rail supplied the track system and the noise barriers and Fluor Infrastructure provided programme management services.
The 25-year period comprises the management and maintenance of the entire line (substructure and superstructure), under the authority of the rail manager ProRail.