Irish Schools PPP Programme – Bundle 3

The background
Investment in new education infrastructure is key to provide students with high-quality teaching and learning environments. The Irish Government’s Department of Education and Skills (DoE) launched a PPP Schools Bundle programme to address the increasing demand for educational infrastructure in rapidly developing areas.
Procured by the National Development Finance Agency (“NDFA”) on behalf of the DoE, the programme was a major investment in education infrastructure by way of public private partnership (“PPP”) arrangements.
Invesis successfully delivered Schools Bundle 3 in 2014, through a design, build, finance and maintain mechanism, which entailed replacing existing schools with new accommodation, and providing new accommodation for schools formed by the amalgamation of existing schools.
Providing the end user with aesthetically pleasing environments that staff and pupils could be proud of was a priority for the NDFA. By partnering with Invesis, each of the eight schools had a bespoke design and met specific requirements expressed by the Authority to enhance the teaching and learning experience of students.
The Department of Education and Skills (“DoES”)
Capital Value
Project Company/ Consortium
Schools Bundle 3 Ltd
Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC)
BAM Building
Operations and Maintenance (O&M)
BAM FM Ireland
Business value
As the DoE’s trusted partner, Invesis throughout the lifecycle of the project are committed to discussing issues openly with the Authority, to explore problems thoroughly and comprehensively, share risk analysis, listen to the Authority and work in a way designed to take issues off the table.
By partnering with us, the Irish Government’s Department of Education and Skills received eight schools on seven sites, providing approximately 5,700 pupil spaces. The facilities will transform the learning experience of students in Ireland. Throughout the 25- year concession period, the schools will continue to be maintained to an optimum condition of appearance and performance in a diligent and discrete, yet effective manner.

Key features
By using the PPP contract approach and partnering with Invesis, the project;
- will boost economic prosperity by creating local employment opportunities and generating work for local businesses
- won the Silver award for Best Completed Project at the prestigious Private Partnership awards in 2016
- appointed three different architectural design teams – C.J.Falconer & Associates Architects, McCullough Mulvin Architects and McGarry Ni Éanaigh Architects to design each of the schools uniquely in response to their different briefs